Week Two: Scott McCloud

Reading through Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics proved itself to be very interesting. When I usually think of comics I think superheros, heavy inking, and saturated colors. And all of those things combined loose my interest quickly. Which is probably one reason I really don't like the cover. I know I've seen this book before but didn't pick it up because of how busy it feels. I think McCloud could have designed a much more simple and successful cover, especially since simplicity and icons are used throughout the book.

Beside the cover, the book itself does a great job of discussing cartoons, icons, and timing while also giving us some information about comics around the world. And the way McCloud wrote his thoughts very honestly and bluntly made me feel like I was listening to an engaging lecture. There were points of it that I began to loose interests, and I think most of those times were when the page arrangement looked boring. However, I do really like that the whole comic is in black and white. I think because of how much information he's giving the reader that color could have really made it more of a challenge to focus on each concept her went through.