Week Four: The Comic Book
For this week I read through a few different things. I was having a difficult time getting some of them to open? but I was able to open up a few. The first one I read I'm having a hard time relocating to name, but it was about a boy who had the ability to want something and he could have it. He wasn't a super hero but wanted to be included in their meeting, so he was able to wish himself there. While he was there he asked some of the super heros about adventures they'd been on. The comic was okay, I wasn't crazy about the line work or the colors, it just felt heavy and saturated. The stories were fine, probably appealing to a 12 year old boy (though maybe not in this day and age). I also read through Tin Tin "Explorers On the Moon." It appealed more to me than the first one, but it started feeling really long. The characters were fun, and towards the end I really did want to keep reading to figure out how they'd get back on the spaceship and make it to Earth but I don't think I'd read it again. There were points were it felt wordy and personally I prefer when the image is at least telling just as much of the story as the script. Haha the Barbie and Ken comic was just a little ridiculous. It was all about different kinds of Barbie (nurse Barbie, bride Barbie) and basically how all these little girls wanted to be like her. Strange. I hope they didn't sell too many, seeing that comic made me concerned for girls idea of who they think they should be. Sure there's nothing wrong with any of Barbie's career choices but her whole being is unrealistically perfect. In the same way that boy don't need to be looking through violent comics, I don't think young girls should be flipping through comics may make have unrealistic expectations for themselves (in the physical sense, not the career sense).