Week Six: Underground Comics

Hmm underground comics, I must say they are not at all what I'm interested in. I understand their intention however I'm not entertained by the reoccurring theme of sex and drugs. It comes across crude and cheap. But I feel like that's the intention of the artists and writers. Most of the main characters are rather simple characters in a rather simple world. From the one's I looked through there isn't a lot done with the environments. Throughout the comics certain characteristics are emphasized on different characters that immediately let the reader know the intention of the character. Whether it's small eyes and a large nose to make them appear stupid or a huge butt to show that their reason for being in the comic is to be seen as a body, the artists drawings very honestly show who the character is.

Mr. Natural was interesting. His whole existence is rather strange, he has these powers and abilities but he's not really good, but he's not really bad. In the ones I read through he wasn't really doing much, just conversing with other characters. It's not clear but Mr. Natural is, as far as why he has these powers. It doesn't appear like he does much with them except make other characters feel stupid. It'd be interesting to know more about what Crumb's inspiration was for Mr. Natural and if what kind of statements he was trying to make through this simple, "magical" character.