Week Fourteen: The Meek and White Ninja

This final week I looked through The Meek and White Ninja. The Meek was really cool, so far I've really been into the story and would like to keep reading more of it. It's awesome that Der-shing Helmer has made it an online comic, I just don't understand how artists are able to make money frommm it then? White Ninja was funny too but you know it was done a lot quicker than The Meek. So how is an artist rewarded for all that time put into making a piece? Maybe... they're not? Hmmm.

I'm not sure if I am more for web comics and "real" comics. I really enjoy hoping a book and flipping through pages. The experience of doing that feels like part of becoming part of this other world. But on the computer is okay too, and with the Ipads, maybe it's the way to go? 

I think web comics will probably start to become more of a focus, but I don't think paper comics will ever go out.